Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reflection of Traveling through the Dark

As I read through Traveling through the Dark it hit me, what would I have done if I was in that position? And I ask myself that question now. So I try to place myself in the position of the doe. If I was there dead and my child laid inside me should someone try to save it at least. And the response I come up with is yes. Give me a chance to live do not make the choice for me. If I am willing to fight, let me make that choice. So many times in life, we try and decide people’s destiny for them without giving them a chance. If only he would not have threw the fawn over, it could have lived on to embark on a life its mother did not get a chance to fully come to know and understand. As nature stood by watching, why couldn’t a sound me given. But what if the oncoming car was the sign to say save the fawn and what if the feeling for the warm belly was telling you that there was enough life there to give it a chance.

What could this man have done, how would he have saved his fawn. Did he even have the tools to even try and cut the mother without hurting the fawn?  Probably at the time there was something that could have been done, rather than throw the fawn into the raging waves to take any chances she had of even trying to make it in a unfair world. Yes it was hard, but I believe it would have been easier to see the fawn takes its last breathe rather than never take one at all.

Blog # 1 Late Submission  

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