Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reflection of the Road "Hope"

Blog # 12

As I read the final chapter of the Road, the relationship of the Father and son truly was an amazing. Things that stood out to me were the closeness between the two of them. I was very surprised how the two of them truly showed loved to one another and in the moments when there would be no hope, they learned to strengthen each other and provide hope for one another. That was the main idea that I felt, that they wouldn’t loose HOPE, even when people tried to come and steal their hope they learned to fight for it. It was even times that they looked like the bad guys but the Father has to reassure the son they weren’t the bad guys. It was all about survival for HOPE. And in the end they were able to keep even to the point of death of the father.

To me this was such a drama and adventure at the same time. There was such an amazing love that was displayed, as well as the comfort and protection from the father. Then of course the child showed such a sense of innocence and uncertainty there were several times that he had prove his "Papa". So many times in our lives just like these two, we get to a place of death and desolation and we have to have HOPE that things would change. Looking down the road and not sure what will come, whether someone to save them or someone who will steal their cart. Thoughts about what they would do if someone tried to hurt them probably never came across their mind until they were actually in the situation. I love the fact that the survived and they found things that would help them. The father had such a keen instinct to search for the things they needed and put them all to use. 

What if he didn’t know what to do? How would they have survived, what if they didn’t have HOPE and they allowed there situation to steal their hope and just give up. They would not have gotten to the Road that led to a family. I believe in the end the father knew the Road led to something he just had to keep hope alive for his son, cause he knew he would get to the point where he would have to leave him, but he left him with HOPE.

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