Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Annotative- The Road

“They stood looking back at the road in the dusk.”

Dictionary.com (1.) N. a long, narrow stretch with a smoothed or paved surface,made for traveling by motor vehicle, carriage, etc., betweentwo or more points; street or highway. (2.) a way or course: the road to peace.

Oxford Dictionary noun 1. a wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface that vehicles can use. 2. a series of events or a course of action that will lead to a particular outcome:

It is clear that a road is a means of getting to a specific destination, and this is the method in which someone would use. This is a means of getting from one point to another or multiple places.

Clearly McCarthy has written a novel that displays the image of a Road from a few angles. I can see that this was a path or a way leading to a specific destination. But he showed that in the process there are some obstacles that can delay the journey. Throughout the reading there were many stops to find refuge, food, safety and enjoyment. Because of the current state of the world, being on this road could either lead to safety or danger. You either ran into someone that would help you or someone that would try and hurt you. It was up to you to distinguish between the two. There were several times that they stopped on the Road to find shelter from the weather, and from whatever may have been out there trying to get them. But honestly to me, this was a path or road to more than a physical place but an emotional and spiritual place; a road to a place of hope. At the end of the reading it was on the very road they travel that the boy was rescued and the road the father died. Many times in life the very road that will lead to hope has some hardship and we must be willing to travel it no matter how cloudy to how much ash is in the air. We must trust that there is someone that is looking into the deep darkness and seeing us and finds us on the Road to a path designed just for us.

Road. n.  Dictionary.com retrieved from

Road. n. Oxford Dictionary retrieved from

 Blog # 10 

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