Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Vacation- Reflective

After reading "The Vacation" by Wendell Berry and having to present it in class, I had the opportunity to truly study the words within each line. And I found that the writer was to me not only desiring to preserve his vacation but to experience the world through a new perspective.

Many times we too desire to experience the world through different means, but it is difficult when we may not know how. One would think that going on a vacation you want to enjoy the scenery and everything that the trip has to offer, but being stuck behind a camera would in my opinion limit you. But this actually liberated the writer, liberated him to see the world in a totally different perspective, and actually recording it so he could watch it over and over. Now it makes sense because when we watches it over again, he could always picture himself walking around seeing those things.

I would imagine, him actually getting close ups and moving towards things that caught his attention, just as many of us would if we were walking around or even in a boat. But it is during his trip that he seeing the world in a different light. He knew that he would actually never be in the video, but he knew he had it so he could watch it over and over again.

Many times experiences in life that we go through we sometimes want to capture, not our response but the very thing that caused us to react, but we cant because we had no way to capture it. But on his vacation, he might not of reacted then, but when we goes to watch it, he will then be able to react the way he probably would have. In our lives today, we see in many perspectives because of the mindset, some because of economic status, ethnic background, social status and some just by personality. In seeing things through different perspectives we are able to open our minds to things that actually are there and are not there and in doing this we stretch ourselves to be open to the mosaic world that we live in.

This man took a different perspective in life, to capture and respond later, oppose to responding and trying to recall what happened. Capture life while we can and learn to respond later. Life is right in front of our eyes or should I say lens.

Blog # 7

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Problemative- Lanyard by Billy Collins

In the poem, "Lanyard" by Billy Collins, it was interesting to see the author try and match his mothers love to a "two-tone lanyard". Many young people today are this same way they try and down grade the love of her their mothers and realize they can never pay her back for everything she has done and will continue to do. The problem here is that every time we think about one of the simplest things as even giving us medicine when we are sick, nothing we give can ever measure up to that. But yet we still must try, not try to pay her back but to show her that we appreciate everything and that we are grateful.

That is the issue that I see we are faced with in today's culture, that not many young people are grateful for what their parents are doing for them, and some even take the stand that parents should do certain things for them. And they clearly have it twisted especially when young people are not doing everything they should to excel there is no way kids should get anything extra than what is needed. But our generation youth have the best technology, clothes, fancy this and that. And yet, they are disrespectful, do not get good grades and do not really have any goals in life. But parents see these things yet they do not address them, so they handicap kids and then they grow up with the worthless, useless mentality and do not make anything of themselves.

But the author clearly shows that even his trying will never measure up to the level of love that his mother has shown toward him. He calls his lanyard, "useless and worthless", maybe this is reflective of how he may see himself and everything he has done for her over the years. And now that he is reaching a place of understanding mentally that he must do better.

So many young people do not come to that realization until it is too late and they find themselves in despair over the loss and now lack of a mother in their lives. If they would only even try and show their mom how much they care if they would only try and make a card or a meal, or give a hug or a smile. Or even a lanyard.

Blog # 6